Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Am I still alive?

The answer is yes. When will I post again? I have no idea. Facebook seems to meet the majority of my posting needs, if you can call the narcissistic mumblings of someone on the internet that. I used to create and post things here and just paste a link on Facebook. But there are shortcomings in the kind of feedback I can get here, opposed to the quick and easy 'Like' button.

So I guess it's fair to say almost everyone is a blogger these days. They just blog on Facebook.

PS. To hell with Farhad Manjoo and his anti-two space after a period screed. That's the way most people have been taught. And it is in no way less attractive than one space. For the weight of a space between sentences to be given the same weight as between words makes no sense to me. But does it really matter in the scheme of things? It does not.

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